Understand Your dreams with our interpretations.
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The symbol of 'sense' in dreams represents intuition, emotional awareness, and the balance between rational thought and feelings. It encourages deeper understanding and insight into one's life and surroundings.


Deceased 1

The symbol of the deceased in dream interpretation signifies unresolved emotions, grief, and a longing for connection. It may represent guidance from the spirit world, personal transformation, and the interconnectedness...

Ilustracja osoby z zezem na pierwszym planie, wyraźnie widoczna i zajmująca większość kadru, w kontekście współczesnej Europy.


The symbol of a squint in dreams signifies inner conflicts and dualities, representing struggles in decision-making and clarity. It may indicate a lack of self-awareness or insight into emotions, urging...


Teeth symbolize personal power, self-image, and communication in dreams. Losing teeth often reflects insecurity, anxiety, or fear of aging. The condition of teeth can indicate health concerns and the dreamer's...

Meeting 1 2 3

The symbol of 'Meeting' in dream interpretation signifies the exploration of relationships and the merging of different aspects of the self. It often represents the need for connection and collaboration,...

Zdrada małżeńska


Betrayal symbolizes feelings of insecurity, mistrust, and emotional turmoil. It can reflect personal fears of being deceived or let down by others, prompting self-reflection and growth. Additionally, betrayal may indicate...

Ilustracja przedstawiająca zatwardzenie jako metaforę blokady emocjonalnej. Obraz powinien ukazywać osobę czującą się zablokowaną, z widocznym poczuciem frustracji i introspekcji. Skupienie na mimice twarzy, uchwycenie istoty emocjonalnej walki, z elementami współczesnej Europy.

Constipation 1

Constipation in dreams symbolizes emotional or mental blockages, indicating unresolved issues or feelings that need to be addressed. It reflects a struggle for control and a desire to maintain order,...

Ilustracja nowoczesnego smartfona wyeksponowanego na pierwszym planie, oddającego istotę łączności i komunikacji we współczesnej Europie.


The symbol 'range' in dreams represents the spectrum of choices and possibilities in life, indicating freedom and the responsibility of decision-making. It suggests contemplation of various paths, emotional balance, and...

Ilustracja nowoczesnego notatnika z ręcznie pisanymi notatkami, wyraźnie wyeksponowanego w centrum obrazu, reprezentującego koncepcję zapisywania i zachowywania wspomnień.


Records symbolize the connection to past experiences, accountability for actions, the need for organization, and the interconnectedness of life events. They encourage reflection on personal growth and the importance of...